Factual and Legal Evidence of 2020 Election Fraud in Montana

Contributor:  Susan Stengel

Since the 2020 election, politicians, mainstream media outlets, state legislatures, and federal judges have dismissed concerns raised by election officials and citizens about serious election fraud – including right here in Montana! Despite factual evidence and first-person affidavits.  Despite the infiltration of $2.5 million into 28 Montana counties through Zuckerberg’s Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL). Even though Montana flipped “red,” there is clear evidence of election fraud that may have impacted many races down the ballot.  

The Missoula County Election Integrity Project’s careful study of the relevant data from the 2020 general election reveals a pattern of troubling irregularities and legal issues, including SEVEN serious legal violations of Montana Elections Laws, Public Record Laws, and Equal Protection under the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution.  The Missoula County Elections Office:

  1. Despoiled vote counting video

  2. Illegally counted 7% (5,074) of ballots without envelopes

  3. Sealed Resolution Board logs of 2,610 ballots, making them inaccessible to public review

  4. Violated the stay against mail-in voting; ballots were mailed and accepted

  5. Violated Montana Nondiscrimination Laws with preferential treatment of Democrats on the Missoula Election Advisory Committee and on Election Judge selections and assignments

  6. Allowed electors to change mis-voted ballots by interlineation

  7. Mailed 1,000s ballots to inactive, and therefore, ineligible voters

The Integrity Project concluded that “further access to election office records would definitively prove or disprove the nature of [the report’s findings, yet] the lack of cooperation from the Elections Office … has been disheartening and alarming.” From blocking access to public records and demanding unreasonably high fees to defray costs to “feigned ignorance, purposefully unresponsive correspondence, unwarranted delays and frivolous demands [of The Integrity Project] with court orders and lawsuit filings, [thereby concluding that the Missoula Election Office is] at best negligent in its duties to maintain … accurate voter rolls and electronic records. At worst, there is knowing and purposeful manipulation and dereliction to pad invalid voter registrations to provide ample room for fraud and ballot manufacture.”  These actions resulted in the disenfranchisement and vote dilution of Montana voters.

For details, please reference these documents:





As John R. Lott Jr. with Real Clear Investigations reminds us, “The Biden administration, the Democrat-controlled Congress [HR1], and the DNC are collectively pressing to both nationalize, and make permanent, many of the extraordinary pandemic-driven voting measures implemented during the 2020 election – particularly mass mail-in voting, [same day registration, and dismissal of voter ID requirements].” To preserve our representative republic, we must act now to ensure that our elections are fair and accurate!

How Do I Get Involved to Ensure FAIR Elections?

Visit www.MontanaElectionIntegrity.org

Contact your Local, State and Federal representatives:  


Sign Up to be an Election Judge. Details forthcoming for the general election.

Vote in person or hand carry your ballot to the Election Office. 

Check ballot status at My Voter Page:  https://www.gallatinrepublicans.com/my-voter-page


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