Elections 2024
“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.”
Thomas Jefferson
Americans are tired of the never-ending "most important elections ever," especially when we are busy and not interested in politics, but finding information about the candidates becomes a full-time job. However, if you are reading this, you understand that elections have consequences, and you noticed the devastating results of previous elections in our country and Gallatin County.
"Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you." - Pericles
The 2024 elections are The Most Important Elections of our Lifetime because they could also be the Last Free Elections of our Lifetime. This time, we put on our ballot the choice between America, The Land of The Free, and the People's Republic of Socialist States of America, Neo-Marxist slavery, which Democratic Socialists of America want to enforce on us because they believe that slavery to the government is equitable, convenient and releases them from personal responsibilities.
Here is what we, Gallatin County Republican Women, are voting FOR and what the Democratic Socialists of America are AGAINST:
1ST Amendment Rights, Freedom Of Speech, and Freedom of Religion;
2ND Amendment and Our Right to Defend Our Lives, Our Families, and Our Property;
Legal Immigration that benefits the USA and Motivates People who come here to learn English, American Culture, and respect American Values;
National Security, Secured Borders, Deportation of Terrorists, Drug and Human Traffickers And Violent Criminals;
Ending China's Invasion of the U.S. through Theft of U.S Intellectual Property and Buying American Land;
Prevent War By Peace Through Strength and the Safety of Our Troops;
The Next Supreme Court Justice(s) to Protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights;
A Thriving Economy by Creating Good Paying Jobs, Reducing Government Regulations and Inflation;
Reliable and affordable energy and energy independence and security;
Stop the war on Children and Families;
Stop the Weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and CPS;
Honoring our Veterans who Fought For This Country;
Ending Racism in Any Manner;
Common Sense: tomboys are girls, feminine boys are boys; “Green” energy is not green but is unreliable and very expensive; science ends when censorship begins.
Governor Greg Gianforte is running for re-election against Democrat Ryan Busse.
The main reason why Montanans should re-elect gov. Gianforte is that he is a rare case of a politician who keeps his pre-election promises and delivers results.
He is committed to creating an environment where small businesses can thrive and create good-paying Montana jobs;
Gov. Gianforte is one of several governors who have repeatedly called on Biden’s radical “green” agenda that threatens American energy independence, makes energy less reliable and unaffordable and does NOTHING to protect the environment;
He promises to protect and defend our constitutional rights, and push back against federal overreach that threatens our interests and way of life.
Montana has many problems created by the feds and people fleeing Blue states that are impossible to solve on the state level. But when it comes to our local economies, Greg Gianforte is a great candidate to get the job done. This is especially true considering that one of his accomplishments was signing the bill that prohibited city governments from enforcing regulations that violated individual rights ensured by the state of Montana.
Governor Greg Gianforte
Meet the Candidates We Support